Sunday, 16 September 2012
100 Ways For Passive Patient Acquisition Part III
So we are down to the last few ways of the 100 Ways for Passive Patient Acquisition for your chiropractic office!!
But before I begin the final count down, let me mention this...
after I wrote about putting an ad on Groupon in Part I (I know some of you are puking right now thinking that an ad on Groupon is devaluing chiropractic, but like I said, some of these ways that I have suggested, you may not approve with), a few weeks later, when I was checking out Groupon on my iPhone, I saw a chiropractor who had an ad for his/her decompression treatments and if memory serves, I think that in the end there were 390 purchases! That's to say... 390 potentially NP within less than one month!
In the ad the doc was charging $35 for I think, 3 treatments (the average cost of a single treatments is usually around $200). But here's the thing...a standard spinal decompression rehab protocol is 20 visits. So the doc may have lost some money at the start of the treatment plan, but he/she gained massive amounts of new patients and income.
Now, some of you may be thinking this doc got these patients who were looking for a deal and the people that they refer, may only come expecting a similar deal. However, this can be squashed by making sure that patients know that this is a one shot deal and does not apply for any other person.
Anyways... just something to consider.
When you're done reading this blog scroll to the bottom. We at Promodocs would like to send you a free gift...NO STRINGS ATTACHED... it's just our way of saying thanks for all your support!
So here are the final 10 ways for Passive Patient Acquisition (ya, I know... we got up to 70 in the last blog... but if you go through the list, you will realize that in the end, I will have given you over a 100 different ways).
Oh ya... finally... these are in no particular order and again, you may not agree with them all, but as I said right from the start, I have essentially done all of these techniques and they have all brought in new patients.
So lets begin...
1. Gym Membership Packages - Often when new members sign up at a gym, they are given their contract in a card stock folder along with some promotional material associated with the gym. My suggestion is to talk to the manager/owner and ask if it would be possible to put one of your promotional postcards in their new members package. In return, you will give your new patients a promotional piece of theirs. New gym members are great potential new patients.
2. Market to Moving Companies - Who has more torn up spines than movers? As with the Police station or fire department , give the head of human resources, owner and/or head manager a stack of promotional postcards that you have created specifically for moving companies.. Explain to the owners/managers how chiropractic can prevent injuries and down time for their workers.
3. Webinars - This is HUGE!!!! I mean M.A.S.S.I.V.E.! Webinars are lectures or seminars that are done online - on the web ("Web" "Seminars") As you probably already know, everyone searches on the internet for all their information and purchase making decisions. In fact, online shopping is a multi-billion dollar industry because more and more people prefer to do things from the comfort of their homes.
As such, what better way to reach to your potential patients when they can watch you live from their home? Where they are comfortable and more receptive to your message.
Many people (i.e. potential patients) may not come to your office simply because they are apprehensive about going to see you - Why? Because they don't know you. They may be skeptical of chiropractic or since there are so many chiros to choose from, they just don't know who to see and who to trust. So imagine how many new patients you are losing on a daily basis because of this?!
But imagine being able to spread your message, build rapport and trust with these people without ever having seen them!
This is what webinars can do for you and why they are now essential to driving new patients to your office.
With webinars, you can have your lunch and learns, lay lectures, promotions (e.g. Health Fairs) and your chiropractic info session performed online for everyone on the web to see - LIVE- while you're performing them. As such... your potential for new patient reach and acquisition is virtually unlimited!
There are some great webinar companies out there (e.g Go To Meeting), but they can be expensive as you have to pay every time you use their services, pay for the amount of time you use for your webinar, pay for the number of people who are attending your webinar, etc, etc.
But what if you could have unlimited webinars and it's free*? Even better... what if your webinar function is built into your website where you can not only promote when you are going to perform your live webinar to every visitor that comes to your site (so your visitor can make time to watch you), but when a visitor does a google search and lands on you clinic's website while your performing your live webinar, they will be instantly notified that you are performing a live lecture!
Think about it... your visitors will not only get to know you, but you'll build rapport and trust with them. How powerful do you think that would be in getting those visitors as new patients? Do you think that those visitors would more likely book an appointment after they see you live than if you just had some static chiropractic website? How about if your visitors could interact with you online and ask you questions... and you can reply back? What if your visitors can download your Gift Certificate during your live webinar? How about if you could perform as many webinars to as many people as you want for free*? If this was all possible, can you see how your clinic would blow up with new patients? has developed an advanced webinar feature that is exclusive to Promodocs Chiropractic websites that has all the above features already built in and it comes included in your Promodocs website!
Sorry...I know that was a total plug for our chiropractic websites, but we are so pumped about being able to provide our clients with this amazing feature simply because it is truly one of the MOST effective ways to market and grow your clinic quickly.
4. Sensible Shoe Stores - These are shoe stores that sell "sensible" shoes (e.g. Walking On A Cloud Shoe Store). Again, like with the pro-shops, ask to leave promotional postcards at their sales counter.
5. Promotional Hats - For the winter - wool hats with your logo (everyone will wear it in the winter) or golf hats in the summer with your logo. Just like the wool hats... everyone will wear them and they will get noticed!
6. Auto-Responders - A MUST HAVE on chiropractic websites (This is why we have included them in our Promodocs Chiropractic Website designs. This is when visitors come to your site and request information and have to leave their email address to get it. What happens here is that your website captures these emails and automatically emails out to them newsletters about your clinic and the benefits of chiropractic. WARNING: DO NOT barrage your leads with emails (eg. 3-4 or more emails per month) otherwise you will irritate your leads and they will remove themselves off your mailing list and you'll lose them forever. The ideal amount of time is to email your leads once every 3-4 weeks
7. Radio"Ask The Expert" - now, this is not a passive patient acquisition technique because you have to go out to a studio and do it live. But I have included it here because... A. it's so fun to do. B. you get huge numbers of new patients (especially if you do a call in show). C. you tend to get NPs days and weeks after the show (hence the reason I have included it in the list). I used to do a lot of Ask The Expert on the radio and it was awesome. Take my word for it and give it a shot.
8. Mobile Text Message - Just like in point #6, this is not really passive, but the WOW factor and the referrals after makes is passive. At the end of the day, text message your new patients and message the following "Hello {patient's name}, this is my personal cell phone number. If you ever have any question or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me. Yours, Dr. {your name}"
This will blow your patients away! This is not like calling your NP from your office and saying the same thing and giving out your clinic number. Here you are showing that you take a real personal interest in getting them better by giving them your personal mobile number. You'll be surprised how many friends and family members your patient will tell. You'll get a lot of referrals from just the one little thing.
9. Inhouse Referral Promotions - I left this for one of the very last ways for passive patient acquisition, simply because we all know about it and do them. But I wanted to mention it because so many clinics have these promotions, but the "prize" is so lame. Lame like a bank giving away a toaster when you open a new account.
What I suggest is having a competition within your clinic where the patient that refers the most people (and that undergo care - you don't want patients to send just anyone ~e.g. some tourist they met on the street from Guatemala that's leaving the next day~ to your clinic just to get their numbers up) wins the grand prize. The first time I did this was when surround sound for home theaters were expensive and was the hottest thing going. You should have seen the number NP that came in! It was amazing AND the majority of them were long term patients.
So don't give away a free water-based pillow, a pair of orthotics or some other lame boring item ... make it cool, exciting and motivational. Like a trip for 2 to Mexico or something. This will not only exponentially bring up the energy and excitement in your clinic, but it'll drive a lot of new patients into your office.
10. Lastly... and as cheesy as this may sound... be awesome. Be awesome to yourself, be awesome to your family and be awesome to your patients and in return, you'll acquire new patients that pay, stay and refer. Being great, kind, and caring IS passive patient acquisition! Because when you do it everyday to everyone you meet, it simply becomes reflex action... it becomes effortless.
We have come to the end of the list of ways for Passive Patient Acquisition. Remember, I have done almost all of these techniques and they have worked. So chose as many as you can that you are comfortable with and start doing them this week. Even if you do half of them, and each one only brings 1 NP/mo... that's 50 new patient... or 600 NP in one year!
Good luck and start today!
We at Promodocs would also like to say a special thanks to all the docs that have read our blogs, like our facebook fan page, emailed us with your question, and supported us. And to show our appreciation, we have designed a Chiropractic America and Chiropractic Canada print ready T-shirt design (based on the Captain America Shield) that you can receive FREE!
All you have to do is contact us by going to our website at and let us know which print ready image you want (or if you want both) and we'll email it right off to you!
To your clinic success,
The Promodocs Team
* the Promodocs Webinar feature is included in the monthly Promodocs website maintenance fee.

after I wrote about putting an ad on Groupon in Part I (I know some of you are puking right now thinking that an ad on Groupon is devaluing chiropractic, but like I said, some of these ways that I have suggested, you may not approve with), a few weeks later, when I was checking out Groupon on my iPhone, I saw a chiropractor who had an ad for his/her decompression treatments and if memory serves, I think that in the end there were 390 purchases! That's to say... 390 potentially NP within less than one month!
In the ad the doc was charging $35 for I think, 3 treatments (the average cost of a single treatments is usually around $200). But here's the thing...a standard spinal decompression rehab protocol is 20 visits. So the doc may have lost some money at the start of the treatment plan, but he/she gained massive amounts of new patients and income.
Now, some of you may be thinking this doc got these patients who were looking for a deal and the people that they refer, may only come expecting a similar deal. However, this can be squashed by making sure that patients know that this is a one shot deal and does not apply for any other person.
Anyways... just something to consider.
When you're done reading this blog scroll to the bottom. We at Promodocs would like to send you a free gift...NO STRINGS ATTACHED... it's just our way of saying thanks for all your support!
So here are the final 10 ways for Passive Patient Acquisition (ya, I know... we got up to 70 in the last blog... but if you go through the list, you will realize that in the end, I will have given you over a 100 different ways).
Oh ya... finally... these are in no particular order and again, you may not agree with them all, but as I said right from the start, I have essentially done all of these techniques and they have all brought in new patients.
So lets begin...
1. Gym Membership Packages - Often when new members sign up at a gym, they are given their contract in a card stock folder along with some promotional material associated with the gym. My suggestion is to talk to the manager/owner and ask if it would be possible to put one of your promotional postcards in their new members package. In return, you will give your new patients a promotional piece of theirs. New gym members are great potential new patients.
2. Market to Moving Companies - Who has more torn up spines than movers? As with the Police station or fire department , give the head of human resources, owner and/or head manager a stack of promotional postcards that you have created specifically for moving companies.. Explain to the owners/managers how chiropractic can prevent injuries and down time for their workers.
3. Webinars - This is HUGE!!!! I mean M.A.S.S.I.V.E.! Webinars are lectures or seminars that are done online - on the web ("Web" "Seminars") As you probably already know, everyone searches on the internet for all their information and purchase making decisions. In fact, online shopping is a multi-billion dollar industry because more and more people prefer to do things from the comfort of their homes.
As such, what better way to reach to your potential patients when they can watch you live from their home? Where they are comfortable and more receptive to your message.
Many people (i.e. potential patients) may not come to your office simply because they are apprehensive about going to see you - Why? Because they don't know you. They may be skeptical of chiropractic or since there are so many chiros to choose from, they just don't know who to see and who to trust. So imagine how many new patients you are losing on a daily basis because of this?!
But imagine being able to spread your message, build rapport and trust with these people without ever having seen them!
This is what webinars can do for you and why they are now essential to driving new patients to your office.
With webinars, you can have your lunch and learns, lay lectures, promotions (e.g. Health Fairs) and your chiropractic info session performed online for everyone on the web to see - LIVE- while you're performing them. As such... your potential for new patient reach and acquisition is virtually unlimited!
There are some great webinar companies out there (e.g Go To Meeting), but they can be expensive as you have to pay every time you use their services, pay for the amount of time you use for your webinar, pay for the number of people who are attending your webinar, etc, etc.
But what if you could have unlimited webinars and it's free*? Even better... what if your webinar function is built into your website where you can not only promote when you are going to perform your live webinar to every visitor that comes to your site (so your visitor can make time to watch you), but when a visitor does a google search and lands on you clinic's website while your performing your live webinar, they will be instantly notified that you are performing a live lecture!
Think about it... your visitors will not only get to know you, but you'll build rapport and trust with them. How powerful do you think that would be in getting those visitors as new patients? Do you think that those visitors would more likely book an appointment after they see you live than if you just had some static chiropractic website? How about if your visitors could interact with you online and ask you questions... and you can reply back? What if your visitors can download your Gift Certificate during your live webinar? How about if you could perform as many webinars to as many people as you want for free*? If this was all possible, can you see how your clinic would blow up with new patients?
Well, it's now possible! has developed an advanced webinar feature that is exclusive to Promodocs Chiropractic websites that has all the above features already built in and it comes included in your Promodocs website!
Sorry...I know that was a total plug for our chiropractic websites, but we are so pumped about being able to provide our clients with this amazing feature simply because it is truly one of the MOST effective ways to market and grow your clinic quickly.
4. Sensible Shoe Stores - These are shoe stores that sell "sensible" shoes (e.g. Walking On A Cloud Shoe Store). Again, like with the pro-shops, ask to leave promotional postcards at their sales counter.
5. Promotional Hats - For the winter - wool hats with your logo (everyone will wear it in the winter) or golf hats in the summer with your logo. Just like the wool hats... everyone will wear them and they will get noticed!
6. Auto-Responders - A MUST HAVE on chiropractic websites (This is why we have included them in our Promodocs Chiropractic Website designs. This is when visitors come to your site and request information and have to leave their email address to get it. What happens here is that your website captures these emails and automatically emails out to them newsletters about your clinic and the benefits of chiropractic. WARNING: DO NOT barrage your leads with emails (eg. 3-4 or more emails per month) otherwise you will irritate your leads and they will remove themselves off your mailing list and you'll lose them forever. The ideal amount of time is to email your leads once every 3-4 weeks
7. Radio"Ask The Expert" - now, this is not a passive patient acquisition technique because you have to go out to a studio and do it live. But I have included it here because... A. it's so fun to do. B. you get huge numbers of new patients (especially if you do a call in show). C. you tend to get NPs days and weeks after the show (hence the reason I have included it in the list). I used to do a lot of Ask The Expert on the radio and it was awesome. Take my word for it and give it a shot.
8. Mobile Text Message - Just like in point #6, this is not really passive, but the WOW factor and the referrals after makes is passive. At the end of the day, text message your new patients and message the following "Hello {patient's name}, this is my personal cell phone number. If you ever have any question or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me. Yours, Dr. {your name}"
This will blow your patients away! This is not like calling your NP from your office and saying the same thing and giving out your clinic number. Here you are showing that you take a real personal interest in getting them better by giving them your personal mobile number. You'll be surprised how many friends and family members your patient will tell. You'll get a lot of referrals from just the one little thing.
9. Inhouse Referral Promotions - I left this for one of the very last ways for passive patient acquisition, simply because we all know about it and do them. But I wanted to mention it because so many clinics have these promotions, but the "prize" is so lame. Lame like a bank giving away a toaster when you open a new account.
What I suggest is having a competition within your clinic where the patient that refers the most people (and that undergo care - you don't want patients to send just anyone ~e.g. some tourist they met on the street from Guatemala that's leaving the next day~ to your clinic just to get their numbers up) wins the grand prize. The first time I did this was when surround sound for home theaters were expensive and was the hottest thing going. You should have seen the number NP that came in! It was amazing AND the majority of them were long term patients.
So don't give away a free water-based pillow, a pair of orthotics or some other lame boring item ... make it cool, exciting and motivational. Like a trip for 2 to Mexico or something. This will not only exponentially bring up the energy and excitement in your clinic, but it'll drive a lot of new patients into your office.
10. Lastly... and as cheesy as this may sound... be awesome. Be awesome to yourself, be awesome to your family and be awesome to your patients and in return, you'll acquire new patients that pay, stay and refer. Being great, kind, and caring IS passive patient acquisition! Because when you do it everyday to everyone you meet, it simply becomes reflex action... it becomes effortless.
We have come to the end of the list of ways for Passive Patient Acquisition. Remember, I have done almost all of these techniques and they have worked. So chose as many as you can that you are comfortable with and start doing them this week. Even if you do half of them, and each one only brings 1 NP/mo... that's 50 new patient... or 600 NP in one year!
Good luck and start today!
We at Promodocs would also like to say a special thanks to all the docs that have read our blogs, like our facebook fan page, emailed us with your question, and supported us. And to show our appreciation, we have designed a Chiropractic America and Chiropractic Canada print ready T-shirt design (based on the Captain America Shield) that you can receive FREE!
To your clinic success,
The Promodocs Team
* the Promodocs Webinar feature is included in the monthly Promodocs website maintenance fee.
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