Friday, 3 August 2012

100 Ways For Passive Patient Acquisition PART II

Okay... first of all sorry for the delay!

We had a lot of great feedback with Part I of 100 Ways For Passive Patient Acquisition and we are pumped about sharing part II with you!

Again, just like I mentioned in the last blog, you may love some of these ideas and some you may hate.  But, as previously mentioned, I have done them all (with just a few exceptions) and they all work.  So use what you think will work for you.

Lastly, these are in no particular order.

So, let's get started...

40. Mailers - This is an obvious one, but with a slight twist. You can send out a bulk promotional mailer by sending  massive quantities via the post or a mailing service... OR... better yet and to greatly increase your response,  you can hand deliver them yourself. But instead of just dropping them off in the mailbox, knock on their doors and introduce yourself.  This works incredible well and is a great idea if you just opened shop and you want to have that personal connection with your neighbors.

Going door to door and introducing yourself to your neighbors greatly increases the chances of them coming to your office as opposed to just sending a bulk mailer to their home.  Note: make a note of the people that you have a face to face contact with and send them a follow-up letter saying how nice it was to meet them etc.  and then continue with monthly mailers.

41. Senior Residence - this is a really good one!  You can go to those senior centers that are run by the government (where their residents are quite ill etc.) or you can go to the ones that are for healthy active seniors. I personally recommend the senior centers that are privately run where the residents live independently for 2 reasons... 1. Generally they will have their own cars to drive to your office with.  2. They have extra income to pay for your care.  Of course, you can always spend a 1/2 day there and perform adjustments on site.

42. Senior Centres - center organizers love to hold presentations and seniors love to listen to information on health.  Great place to get NPs.

43. Pro-Shops - (I'll put this under one listing, but it could count for 3-5 different ways as there are so many different types of proshops :) ) Pro-Shops at gyms, golf clubs, tennis clubs etc.

44. Sandwich Trucks - sounds tacky?  Not at all... especially when you think where these trucks go... construction sites and offices.  Great new patient potential.  And guess what?  The advertising gets noticed and it's dirt cheap.  Just negotiate with the truck owner.

45. Sandwich Trucks Pt. II - while your doing the ads on their truck, have special promo business cards (or postcards) made up the the driver can hand out to his customers.

46. Mobile Sign

47. Bill Boards

48. Lawn Signs - these are the little signs that you see stuck in the grass on the side of the road.  Very cheap and you can get like 100 done for very little.

49. Kids Sports Sponsor

50. Charity Raffles

51. Flickr - A great site for pics etc and helps drive traffic to your chiropractic website

52. Mattress Company

53. Physiotherapist's office

54. Massage Therapist Offices

55.  Police Stations - NO... not for the criminals or the deviants of society.  lol  Make a promotional poster up and have placed in their meeting rooms or lunch rooms.  Police generally have great coverage for chiropractic.

56. Fire Departments - Same as the police stations.  They too have great coverage.

57. Ambulance - Same as above.  BTW, it has been my experience that these guys are HUGE supporters of chiropractic.  I used to have a bunch of them as patients!

58. Library - great place and the library will allow you to put up a promotional poster up a week or so prior to the presentation and most libraries have a calendar booklet-type hand out that they will write a small blurb about your presentation.  I have had some huge turn outs from this... in fact, I've had presentations where over 100 people attended!

59. Grocery Store Presentations - some of the larger grocery stores have community centers inside them that are dedicated for presentations and workshops.  Just like the library they have a hand  out that they give to their customers and they will help promote your presentation.  This was great because not only did I get patients from the attendees but I also go a lot of the workers to come in as well.

60. High Schools

61. University Lectures/ Sports Teams - great way to get the teams to come to your office.

62. Networking Clubs - I'm not a really big fan of this one and it really only brought me a couple patients here and there, but its helps.  You have to consider the time you dedicate to this vs. the patients that you get from it and determine if you think it's worth it.

63. Coffee Shop Cups - this one I have not done, but I know a doc that did this and it worked well.  Go to your local coffee shop (has to be an independently owned one - not like a Starbucks or Second Cup chain).  You can talk to the owner and say that you'll help pay for the cost of their cups if you are allowed to put your clinic name and contact info on them.

64. LED Lights - I have not done this one, but I did see another chiro do this. You may think this is tacky, and perhaps it is, but his car was a Mercedes and I thought that it lessened the tackiness of this concept. These are those LED message runners that you can place in the back window of your car that other drivers can see and read.  This will, without a doubt, get noticed.  I never had a chance to ask how it worked for him, so I can't report how successful it is.

65. Licence Plate Frames - these are relatively cheap to produce and they really get noticed.  Put your name and contact info along with a message like..."Feel'n fine cuz I got my spine aligned at XXX" (I know that was bad, but it was the first thing that came to my mind)

66. Mall Signs - can be pretty inexpensive and works well.  We got a lot of the seniors come in when they noticed it during their mall walks in the morning (before the shops opened up).

67. Pod Casts - if your information is good and  you have a following, it works well

68. Video Presentations - works well.  Check out and see how we have made video presentations HIGHLY effective in driving massive numbers of new patients to your clinic!

69. Staff Bonusing - don't overlook bonusing your staff  for both bringing in new patients themselves and helping achieve your monthly goals.  This doesn't have to be just money, I used to give them gifts or Gift Certificates.  Most I mostly gave them money as an incentive and that worked super great!

70. Taxi Cab Ads - This works well if you have a clinic downtown.

Well, that's enough for today.  I will put the rest up next blog.

I hope that you have found this useful and of course, I always welcome your feedback!

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