Tuesday, 4 October 2011

Making Your Chiropractic Consultation HYPER Effective - Building Rapport

So now your new consult has been brought down to your office for you to get their history and to perform your examination on them.

What do you do?  Well.. you have to build rapport.

Get Them To Like You And Their Walls Will Drop!

The first thing to do and the easiest... when your receptionist brings your consult into your office and you're behind your desk, stand up and shake their hand and guide them to their seat.  Then offer your chiropractic consult a drink.  I used to have a bar fridge in my office and I would always offer them a bottle of water (a great touch... get your clinic logo printed on the label - there are bottle or promotional companies that can do that for you. Or you can just get stickers made with your clinic info and slap it on the existing label).

Also, if your receptionist gave them the "Welcome Gift" (see previous blog) then make a point of mentioning it.  Point out the epsom salts (if you put that in the "Welcome Package") and tell how wonderful it is and that they should use it after today's visit. NOTE: you are wanting to mention this "Welcome Gift" so that it stands out and the effect is heightened when you refer back to it on the day of their Report Of Findings.

NOTE:  The "Welcome Gift"  is based on the Law Of Reciprocation.  If you give someone something, they will automatically feel obligated to give you something in return!  Hence, your consult will feel more obligated to undergo care (if they are a candidate for your treatment) by giving them a "Welcome Gift"!  

A great book that EVERY chiropractor should read is called "Selling The Invisible" by Harry Beckwith which explains this great concept and why it is so effective!

In my office, I had pictures of me with different people in the media that I have done TV or Radio work with and I also had this big blown up photo of me when I was in Berlin, Germany and I was standing in front of these 3 armoured personal carriers joined together to make an arch and behind that was the wall.

Anyways, it was a really cool pic and it really sparked up a good conversation with the patients (as did the other pics that I had).  So it was a lot easier to start a conversation and instantly build rapport with my consults.

Also, if you have Thank You cards from patients, place them on your desk so that the inside message can be seen by your consults when they are sitting.

Remember, it is a lot easier to sell an idea or product to someone that likes you!  
And it's more difficult for them to say "No" to  you!

If you don't have anything interesting in your office for people to comment on (then you have a boring office lol), then scan them up and down, look at what they are wearing (blue collar, white collar, uniform, etc), look at their keys (what kind of car are they driving, key chains from a holiday destination, etc.).  Find something that you can relate to and talk to them about it.
If you can't find anything... then ask what they do? where are they coming in from? What is their background? etc.

It doesn't matter what it is... just find something that you can bond with and then build on that rapport as you continue on with your chiropractic consult consultation.

Remember to smile when you should and be serious when you need to be.  There is often a fine line between doing too much of one or the other where you can look like a used car salesmen and lose the rapport that  you initially built.

In our next blog I will talk about performing the History Taking and how to do it the RIGHT WAY!

By the way, (and this is a shameless plug), but any room that you do your consultation or report of findings, you should have this chiropractic poster hanging up.  Why because it helps steer your consults away from thinking in terms of dollars and cents and more into undergoing care as an INVESTMENT into their health!  Believe me, this poster has a dramatic effect in helping you close your consults!

This poster is called the "Bank Vault" and it's ONLY $29.50 (18"x24" on glossy poster stock) and can be found at http://www.promodocs.com

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